The German Movie and Media Rating Board - Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung (FBW) has initiated a new project called Jugend Filmjury (a movie jury for kids). Part of our task was to create a Ci and logo. The challenge was to meet the target audience aged 5 to 14 years - 10 years is quite a range at that age! The solution was to put everything in a nutshell in a clean and modern manner. We found principles of modern design to be quite suitable for children. We did not use rather typical gaudy colours and figures in order to make it easier for "older" movie buffs to identify with the new brand as well.
Furthermore, we are responsible for the new website: The backend makes use of the existing tool used by FBW, developed by cala media, which is based on the PHP framework Symfony. Most of the resources were thus invested into the frontend. From the outset our concept focussed on the display of the website on smaller screens. This enabled us to create a very modern user interface.
We are very pleased with the continuously growing numbers of users of this new website as well as with the new task of upgrading the FBW website for the smartphone age, which resulted from this project.